Tuesday, April 26, 2011

kitchen renovation - updates

it's been a while since I updated, things have been really crazy but we have major progress in the kitchen!  3 weeks ago (I think), the old kitchen was completely demolished:


about a week ago (after the electrical and plumbing was done), we had plasterers come and make our new walls nice and pretty:

Then yesterday I finished painting!

Today the new hardwood floors are getting installed in the kitchen area (to match the rest of the downstairs).  Then beginning tomorrow, the new and existing floors are getting refinished so that everything matches.

Since 80% of our downstairs is hardwood, we had to move everything to the spare (and previously empty) room upstairs:

please don't report us to Hoarders!

Once the floors are finished, it's time to install the cabinets!!!!  Right now we're hoping to get that done Mother's Day weekend and then the counter people are coming to make the template for our counters.  I can't wait for that part!!

Friday, April 8, 2011


our new cabinets were delivered today!