Sunday, November 15, 2009

it's been a while

With house projects wrapping up and work getting really busy, I've been a very bad blogger!

Even though we don't have a real guest bed (we have a pull-out sofa), I have been eyeing a comforter set from JCPenney that I finally bought. I had been hesitant to spend money on bedding for a room we don't have a bed for, but it's been on clearance for a few weeks and I had a gift card. Well on Friday I was browsing website and they had dropped the price to $80 (original price was $270) and the set includes the comforter, 2 shams, and a bedskirt. I can't wait for it to come!

We recently spent the entire weekend in Boston for one of Tim's cousin's wedding (Tim was a groomsman, so we were there Friday for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner and the wedding was Saturday). It was a gorgeous weekend and it was nice to get "away" for the weekend even if we were only half an hour from home. The only downside was that Tim lost his iPhone in a cab on Friday night.

The wedding was in this amazing location - here is the view from the ballroom. We were 33 stories up. Spectacular.

We stayed in a hotel near Boston Harbor. The morning of the wedding we took a walk along the harbor. Here we are, revisiting the spot where we got engaged in July 2007.

And here's a picture of us from the wedding:

As I said before, work has been so busy - I'm averaging close to 50 hours a week right now (which is nice because I do get paid overtime, it's not nice because I'm stressed and worn out!). Luckily there are only 8 work days until Thanksgiving and then another 18 work days after that until Christmas (and my company shuts down from 12/24 until after the new year, so I have about 2 weeks off!).

After that, I actually anticipate being in a new position. From June until just recently I had been on "loan" to another group within my company and I really enjoyed the work and the people and I expressed an interest in switching divisions so that I could continue working on the project I have been helping out with. Last week they opened a job posting for me and this coming week I anticipate working through the logistics of salary and transition time. I'm anxious to see how it plays out. It's a pretty sure thing (at this point, I'd be shocked if the move didn't happen), but since it's still not 100% official, I'm a little on edge about it all. I'm excited about it - the job will be much closer to home (the 2 offices I could potentially work at are both less than 20 minutes from our house - as opposed to my current 45 minute commute) and it will keep me involved with a project where I will hopefully continue to get a lot of visibility. Cross your fingers that everything continues to go smoothly!

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