Saturday, July 31, 2010

bathroom progress

the mess that is our upstairs hallway right now

new insulation installed by yours truly
and if you look closely, you can see the electrical boxes installed by Hubs

little hole = old light
big hole = new vent fan/light (currently being installed by Hubs)

and, just because I like looking at it - our new vanity (not being put in until next weekend maybe?)

awesome feature - drawers INSIDE the cabinet

We had a bit of a water mystery earlier this week.  Monday and Tuesday morning, the plumber was here, blah blah blah.  Wednesday morning I realize the water in our second bathroom isn't getting hot.  great.  it's barely lukewarm (not cold, but definitely not warm).  Hubs thinks maybe the hot water tank (which was turned off all day Tuesday) just hadn't finished heating up the water.  Thursday, same thing.  On his way to work, Hubs calls.  He had an epiphany - the new shower valve upstairs doesn't have a handle yet, so we can't stop water from running through it (it's a mixing valve).  He has me run a little test - turn on every other faucet in/around the house (including outside hoses) on cold and then try the shower.  Sure enough - hot water.  Friday morning he also found the valve that shuts off just the upstairs water, which allows us to use our water normally again - no more turning on all the faucets just to take a shower!

Oh, and we had another bat in the house (refer to this post).  It's been almost a year and a half since our last bat sighting.  I'm just glad we can fully explain this one - bathroom is exposed to the attic, so that must have been how it got in the house, then Hubs thinks it crawled under the door.  While I was so mad the night it happened (Wednesday night), it was definitely the least traumatic of our bat episodes.  We saw it, opened the front door, and within a couple of minutes, it had flown outside.  That makes 4 bats in 2 years.  That makes me unhappy.

On a very happy note - I have to give a shout out to my good friend, J.  She and her husband welcomed their first child, a bouncing baby boy, this past Tuesday.  Little Jameson (Jamie) was born on July 27 (6 days late) weighing in at 7lbs 5 oz.  I got to meet him on Wednesday night and he's just perfectly adorable and looks just like his daddy.  I can't wait to watch the little bugger grow up! 


  1. Oh man I would have FREAKED out if we had a bat! I almost screamed just thinking about one in your house!

    And THANK YOU!!

  2. oh, you don't even know! when it's happened in the past, I always seem to be home alone - so I run upstairs, barricade myself and the cat in our room and call T practically crying.

  3. can't wait to see it once you are done!
