Monday, December 21, 2009

new bed

You know you're an adult when you get excited over things like new furniture. As sort of a Christmas gift to ourselves (and as our solution to my parents' pending overnight visit and therefore our need for a guest bed), the husband and I have upgraded to a king size bed. We also bought the sleigh bed that matches the bedroom set we bought this past spring. It was delievered today and I L.O.V.E. it and we don't even have bedding yet (that was on the Christmas list - though we do have sheets and a blanket).

Over our upcoming winter break, I'm hoping to repaint our room (finally! and I have a good excuse!) while Tim is skiing. I'm 99% sure the paint on the walls doesn't go with the duvet we are hoping to get so what better reason to repaint like I've been itching to do?!

Without further ado, here is our new bed:

And here is the duvet we asked for:

Hopefully in a week or so I'll have pictures of our "new" room!


  1. I think the duvet will look great in your room!

  2. Ooh what color are you thinking? I agree that it won't really work with your existing color because it appears to have grey stripes rather than tan like your walls.

  3. J - they're actually still tan stripes, but they're more bluish/grayish tan as opposed to the goldish tan that's on our walls now. I'm still thinking tan, but much lighter and more from the right family.
