Monday, August 24, 2009

walkway and other updates

It's still hot here but the mason guys keep truckin' away! Today they finished the walkway and the bulk of the small retaining wall. They also hauled away all the dirt that was piled in front of our house.

looking from the driveway to the front door

close-up of the wall

looking from the front door to the driveway

And one of our new lights is up! We're just waiting for more of the white mounting blocks and then they will all be up! I got these lights for my birthday (in April) from my parents and they've been waiting to be installed since we didn't want to put them up until the siding was done.

And our new garage door! Tim and his cousin did this for 6 hours on Sunday - after coming home from an all-night bachelor party. I was so impressed :) (The door is white even though the shade makes it look gray-ish)

And for good measure - another shot of the front of our house - complete with new garage door and no dirt piles.


  1. GORGEOUS! I love patio's/sidewalks like that.

  2. It's looking so. friggin. awesome! What a huge difference from before :-)
